The word ‘love’
can stand for several different meanings if we search for it in the dictionary.
One of the most common meanings for that word can represent the feeling of a
warm personal attachment or deep affection, towards our parents, friends or
even our life partner.

Believe me,
a true relationship always require genuine connection, attachment and
involvement from both parties. A one-sided relationship will never last for
long, if it does not fail.
I am not an expert in relationship but you cannot call me a dumb in this area
for what I have experienced during these few years. I vividly remembered my
father told me that every first love will most probably not last forever.
Neither one can find his or her eventual life partner in their first attempt of
To put
everything into perspective, if we truly want to make our first love works, we
certainly have to pull our socks up in order for that relationship to prevail.
Also, in a
relationship, there is a cruel fact that does not guarantee all our hard work
and efforts being poured in will be rewarded with reciprocal action by the
opposite. At a certain point in our relationship, we will inevitably feel
aggrieved by the lack of response from our partner.
We always
feel that as long as we have done our every best, our partner can feel it
eventually. In reality, only our opposite half knows better if they can sense
our contribution and commitment towards them.
Here the
problem comes, in a relationship, when we feel that we have given our 100%, we
expect our partner to do the same.
What if the so-called ‘100%’ is just
returned with 50% or 60% back to us? What if our partner tells us that he or
she thinks there is someone else in his or her mind apart from us? Feeling
angry and unappreciated?
If you ask
me what would be my action, I can just say that I will divide my opinion into
two versions in handling the problem, depending on the existing situations,
ways of communication between a couple and a multitude of factors.
For the first option, we can speak and discuss directly to our partner regarding the problem to sort out the ideal solution together. But what if our partner still could not make up the mind in the end?
Are we
going to get real mad about it and slam the door before walking away? At most
of the time, this is not the right way to vent our frustrations as it may
result in a more horrendous aftermath.
For the
second option, we explore something which is absolutely contrary to the
aforementioned method. I strongly feel that the former involves anger, hatred
and jealousy at most of the time. Yes, it is true that it may work on certain
people but when facing with a mild mannered and undecided type of person, it
In using the second method, it strongly requires
patience and an awful lot of dedication from a person. Just ask yourself: ‘Am I
really love that person?’ If you think that person is worth waiting for, then
just let it be and give some time for our partner to decide.
The biggest fear
in a relationship is when facing with the trauma of broken heart. The feeling
of agony, anguish and hurt are identical to a shattered glass. Once the glass
is broken, we can hardly join them back as if it is in its original state. In my first
relationship, when facing with argument or even knowing that the opposite was committing
infidelity at the back of me, I felt OK because I realized it was not worth
feeling sad for a woman I do not love.
In my
second relationship, which is also the current one, my heart cries when I learn
that I could not completely win my girlfriend’s heart over ‘just’ because she
has someone else whom she think she could not give up.
I felt lost
and was suffering from emotional pain at certain point, again and again. Just
as I mentioned earlier in this post, there is always no guarantee of return for
all our efforts, no matter how hard the struggle is in the process. In the end,
the commitment could rendered meaningless if the opposite does not see the
actual values of it, including love. Looking
back at what had happened, I was pretty perplexed with the astonishing fact
that I could even put up with my girlfriend over some fiery arguments in the
past weeks.
Call it
kismet or what; I started to agree upon a statement made by a profound figure I
met a few years ago. If something that really belongs to us, it stays with us
forever. If something does not belong to us, no matter how hard we fight for
it, it would not stay with us either.
The same rule applies to a relationship, if
someone is destined to be with us, there is no way for our partner and us to
stay apart. Therefore, there is no point to force a relationship to go on when
both parties find themselves unhappy over each other’s companion.
It is true
that suffering from constant heartache in a relationship will cast a shadow in
our conscience. It is true that suffering from a love failure may impede and
hold us back and to have reservation for another relationship in the future. It
is all true because we felt as if we have fallen deep down into a tunnel,
covered with no lights, all the darkness…
How should I describe all the feelings and translate
all of them into words? I wonder.
Perhaps if
we look at the bright side would probably bring some relief in the sense of
gaining more experience for our future relationship. There is no point to fill
our mindsets with negativity. After all, it does not bring any benefits to our
daily lives. Because it is just a matter of time before we can find our way out
of the dark tunnel, isn't it?
As the
title of this post suggests – be afraid of dark. It should not be misinterpret as
we should be afraid after we fall to the ground in our first attempt of
walking. Our feet hurt when we fall, but it is a matter of how we can prevent
it from happening again as in the same manner in the first fall.
To learn
smarter and be more careful in our steps will be the key that prevents us from
making the same mistakes that led us to the first fall. As a whole, if we are
to avoid the painful experiences we had today, we should remember the pain and
suffering they bring to us.
Look at the
bright side. Forget about the past and focus on the future. We cannot make
adjustments to anything that had happened but we can make the road ahead of us
better. Nothing is impossible because there is always light at the end of the
By: Vincent Ti
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