In his speeches, he mentioned there are noticeable changes in every human’s brain activity in event of agitation, panic and hysteria.
While they are all the normal reactions resulted from human’s nature to navigate something undesirable and keep sweet memories in their lives, somehow, we are able to make judgement between the good and poor, he added.
hearing his statements, I was amazed at how our body responds to every change
around us in a matter of seconds! Just like how our body reacts when seeing
something attractive, we will automatically take a closer look or spend more
time admiring them. This is because our body secretes the hormones that tell us
of that physically alluring, captivating object.
Well, I
realized it was true indeed that we are obsessed and more likely to engage in
the beauty or physical appearance of everything. We always have one eye blinded
when facing with someone or something we find aesthetically pleasant.
At this
stage, our mind would most probably focus intently on that single entity and
often on little else. Anyway, are everything that look good in picture truly
reflect the way they behave in reality?
I am really
running out of words to describe my feelings and struggled to make my lines
coherent today. Because the idiom reminded me of the ordeals I had had in the
past. I was pretty a novice back then, believing in a fake relationship, hoping
that all the promises will come true which turned out to be the exact opposite.
The incident felt like a big slap on the
wrist for me. ‘‘Just because a petite woman who look naive and gullible doesn’t
mean she won’t cheat’’, I told myself in heart. All in all,
all that glitters is not gold and it will be wise to judge someone based on
visual perceptions instead of pure visual beauty. Recalling an agony like this
made me thought something in Chinese slang…
By: Vincent Ti
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